Estructura - Furniture Ecommerce App

Project Details

  • Category : Mobile App
  • For : Full-time employee at Aleatorio Estudios
  • My role : UX/UI Design, Brand

Description and problem:
An entrepreneur from Medellin came to us at Aleatorio Estudio because he had a business idea. He wanted to create furniture Ecommerce with a killer app experience. He knew how to build the app but he had zero experience in design. So he hired us to create the design system, branding, UXUI design, and a prototype in order to continue the development of the app.

The solution:
The work done in this project was mainly visual and User interface design. The client wanted to use all his research and UX design of his customers. Having all the UX research and the client by our side, we focused on branding, designing user flows, User interfaces, and mixing Tech, business, and design to create an awesome digital product.